Non-Driveable Flooring

Supa-Trac is uniquely durable, yet lightweight, making it the ideal matting solution for turf protection, tent flooring, or anywhere that heavy foot traffic and equipment will travel. Supa-Trac can support the weight of forklifts with pneumatic tires, light trucks, and vehicular traffic on firm ground. Our panels are white (translucent) allowing light, air, and water to reach the turf, keeping natural grass alive while protecting turf from being trampled by pedestrians or vehicles. Supa-Trac is suitable for natural and synthetic turf, indoors or out.

Supa-Trac is the most widely recognized design for temporary access mats – covering some of the most valuable turf in the world. From pedestrian access to parking lots, concert flooring, military shelters and helipads, Supa-Trac capabilities have been extensively proven worldwide and the versatility of its design makes it ideal for short or long-term installs.

  • Deployed at a rate of 500 sq. ft. per man-hour manually
  • Each panel weighs 4.4 pounds, covers 2.26 sq. ft.
  • Load capacity of up to 36,000 lbs./sq.ft.
  • Due to its compact panel size, a 48’ flatbed can haul 21,696sq. ft. per load
  • Translucent material and connectors offers advantages for natural turf installations
  • For natural or synthetic turf protection
  • Creates a stable, contiguous, even, uniform surface for level concert seating and walkways
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